How Kait and Martin Gelbspan Built an Unstoppable UGC Empire

The Gelbspans posing for a photograph

Join the Gelbspans as they share insights, tips, and advice for aspiring content creators looking to make their mark in the digital landscape…

  • Creator Brand: Kait and Martin Gelbspan

  • TikTok: Kait - 182.2K followers, 5.8 million likes

    • Martin - 21.6K followers, 682K likes

  • Instagram: Kait - 33.6K followers, 461 posts

  • YouTube: 3.86K subscribers, 3.3 million views

  • Full time creators: Yes

Hey Kait & Martin! Who are you and what is your creator brand?

Hi everyone! We’re Kait and Martin Gelbspan based in sunny Miami, Florida, and we've been on this wild creative journey for about three years now. It all started when we met a few years back and instantly clicked over our shared love for making content, among other things.

Before we got together we were each doing our own thing - dabbling in YouTube and doing a bit of modeling here and there. But it wasn't until we teamed up that our creator careers really started to take off.

We originally started off trying our hand at all sorts of content creation, from YouTube to Instagram to TikTok, covering everything from fitness tips to lifestyle stuff. But the real turning point came when we hit a wall dealing with marketing agencies for our fitness business. 

We were just not feeling the ads they were producing for us, so we said, "Screw it, let's do it ourselves!" And turns out, we had a knack for making awesome ads. That setback pushed us into exploring User-Generated Content (UGC), and that’s where our creativity really started to thrive - together as the Gelbspans.

We got ourselves out there on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork, offering our UGC services, and before we knew it, we were getting more gigs than we could handle. Positive reviews kept pouring in, demand kept going up, and just like that, we found ourselves knee-deep in the content creation world. What started as a frustration with agencies turned into a full-blown business venture, paving the way for us to build our own brand.

The Gelbspans as featured on their website

Kait and Martin Gelbspan featured on their website


How did you come up with your creator & content idea?

As we mentioned, before we met we both had some experience with YouTube and Instagram (makeup tutorials, vlogging, fitness videos), but it wasn't until we encountered some challenges with a marketing agency that things started to take shape. We were disappointed with the quality of ads they produced for our fitness business, so we decided to take matters into our own hands. We realized we really enjoyed creating compelling ads, which led us to explore the world of user-generated content (UGC).

Through platforms like Fiverr and Upwork, we began offering UGC services, creating content for various brands. The demand for our work grew steadily, and as we gained more experience and positive reviews, we increased our prices in turn. This not only helped us establish ourselves as content creators but also taught us valuable lessons in client management and business operations.

It’s about crafting content that not only entertains but also resonates with people on a deeper level. In today’s content-saturated world, mastering the art of storytelling can really set you apart.

While working on UGC projects, we saw influencers closing lucrative deals (upwards of $30K) with relatively simple and honestly thoughtless content. This inspired us to focus more on growing our own social media presence - if they can do it, so can we. We committed to posting consistently, which eventually led to pretty solid growth on our accounts - we went from 4 million, to 13 million, and then 90 million views. 

Our content strategy evolved over time, transitioning from fitness-focused content to documenting our lifestyle and providing advice to our audience. We approach content creation as consultants - considering trends, audience preferences, and brand objectives. Each shoot involves thorough planning, from scripting to production, ensuring that we deliver high-quality content aligned with our brand and client expectations.

Overall, our journey together has been a combination of seizing opportunities and staying true to our creative vision. We're excited to continue growing our Kait & Martin Gelbspan brand and sharing our experiences with our audience.

What is your content creation process?

Like we said - it's a bit of a process, but so fun and rewarding at the end. So, when we're working with brands, we kick things off by brainstorming ideas. We usually come up with three options and pitch them to the brand for approval. Drawing from our experiences and what we know our audience loves, we craft stories that really hit home.

When it comes to shooting, we've learned to expect the unexpected. Whether we're in the middle of a bustling city or out in nature, we roll with the punches. Sometimes the weather throws us a curveball (like when we lived in Colombia), or we have to switch up locations at the last minute, but hey, that's all part of the adventure, right?

Post-production is really where the magic happens. We meticulously go through all the footage - trimming and tweaking until it's just right. Every decision we make is about keeping things engaging and true to our vision.

In a nutshell, our journey is all about teamwork, creativity, and bouncing back from whatever curveballs get thrown our way. And as we keep growing and reaching more people, staying real and authentic is at the core of everything we do. Hopefully, our story inspires other creators to do their thing and own it.

How do you engage with your audience?

Engaging with our audience is a big deal for us. It’s what keeps us going. Hearing back from people, knowing that something we said or did resonated with them—it's just priceless. But to be honest, it's something we're still figuring out. 

Martin is a communication expert. He's always texting back quickly, handling emails, you name it. Kait struggles a bit with it, even though she is glued to her phone all the time - especially when she’s already using it for editing and other things. But we're both trying to get better at it.

One thing we've started doing is setting aside time specifically for engaging with our audience. We’ll say for the next half-hour, let's respond to messages or hop on the platform and interact with folks. And sometimes, it's just about leaving a funny comment somewhere unexpected. Martin did that once on a meme page, and it got a ton of attention, leading people back to our profiles. So, it's all about finding those little moments to connect, you know?

And it's not just about growing our following; it's about building a community. When people take the time to comment or message us, it's like “Hey, we see you, and we appreciate you.” 

And those connections often lead to really meaningful conversations. Like, recently, we had someone open up about their struggles in a relationship after watching one of our videos. Being able to chat with them, offer support—it's what it's all about, creating a space where people feel heard and supported.

At the end of the day, our strategy is simple: be authentic, be present, and build a community that's just as invested in us as we are in them.

How have you monetized your business model?

Monetizing our Gelbspan brand has been quite the journey. It's all about finding those avenues that work for us and our audience.

Initially, we started off doing UGC (user-generated content) gigs on platforms like Fiverr. We priced ourselves pretty low at first, just to get our foot in the door. But as demand grew, so did our rates. Now, we're charging a decent amount for our videos (around $1,200 a video), with additional options for things like creative direction and expedited delivery.

But then we started branching out. We realized the value of our personal socials. Companies were willing to pay more if we posted their content there because it's more direct to the consumer. So, we upped our rates for that too, and it's been working out pretty well (nearing $2,000 for a brand deal on average).

Then there's whitelisting, which is basically when a company runs an ad through our socials but doesn't post it on our feed. It's all about leveraging our social proof to give their brand a boost. And hey, every little bit helps when it comes to monetizing our platform.

We've also dabbled in revenue-sharing models, though it's been a bit trickier to navigate. Not every company is on board with the idea, unfortunately. But we're betting on ourselves, you know? We believe in the value we bring to the table, and we're not afraid to push for fair compensation.

It's definitely been a learning process, and there have been challenges along the way—like dealing with oversaturation in the UGC market and companies undervaluing our work. But when we find those companies that truly appreciate what we do, it makes it all worth it.

So the gist of how we're monetizing our brand comes down to finding what works, staying true to ourselves, and always striving for fair compensation for our efforts.

The Gelbspans posing in Florida for a picture

Kait & Martin Gelbspan down in sunny Florida


What are your biggest lessons learned & challenges faced?

Consistency has always been the biggest challenge. It's this constant battle between the creative process and what the algorithm demands. Artists thrive on their ups and downs, their moments of inspiration, but algorithms want you churning out content like a factory. It's like the algorithm is saying, "Post every day," but creativity doesn't always work like that.

There are days when you just don't feel like creating, you know? Or maybe we're not on the same page creatively. It's not anything major, just typical disagreements, but it can affect the mood for creating. So, finding a balance has been tricky.

We've experimented with batch creating content during times when we're feeling particularly inspired or energetic. That way, we have a reserve of content for those days when we're not feeling it. But it's still a work in progress, as is anything.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to content creation. Find what works best for you and your audience, and don’t be afraid to carve out your own path in this ever-evolving industry.

Other times it's just about pushing through, even when you're not in the mood. Our manager once reminded us of Katy Perry performing a massive show right after she got a text message from Russell Brand saying that he wanted a divorce. It's about finding that balance between self-care and professional obligations.

Our living situation has been a factor too. We thought we'd move to LA, but timing hasn't aligned yet. So, we've been staying with family in Miami without a car, which adds another layer of complexity to filming and location scouting.

But it’s been eye-opening to see how some creators, even high schoolers, can churn out content with just their phones and basic resources. It's a reminder that sometimes we overcomplicate things.

On the other hand, one of our favorite parts of content creation is the storytelling aspect. Finding creative ways to share our experiences and connect with our audience has been incredibly rewarding. Whether it's through planned content or spontaneous moments captured on the fly, storytelling allows us to showcase our personalities and resonate with our viewers.

It's about crafting content that not only entertains but also resonates with people on a deeper level. And in today's content-saturated world, mastering the art of storytelling can really set you apart.

What technology & tools do you use?

When it comes to the tech and tools we use, we like to keep it pretty straightforward and accessible. We primarily rely on our iPhones, specifically the iPhone 13. We've found it to be more than capable for capturing high-quality content.

Additionally, we recently invested in a DJI Osmo Mobile 3, which has been a game-changer for us. It's compact, has built-in stabilization, and offers excellent video quality with its one-inch sensor. But honestly, the key is not just the gear, it's how you use it. 

We also utilize tripods for different perspectives and lighting setups to ensure our videos look polished. For editing, we mainly use CapCut or Final Cut Pro, depending on the project. CapCut is great because it's comprehensive and free, but Final Cut Pro comes in handy for more complex edits or longer videos.

It’s important to emphasize that you don't necessarily need the latest and greatest gear to get started as a content creator. The iPhone 13, for example, offers fantastic quality, and there are plenty of affordable options for tripods and lighting. It's more about understanding how to use what you have to its fullest potential and focusing on creating engaging content.

What future plans & goals do you have for your creator brand?

Our future goals for our creator brand revolve around growth and diversification. We're planning to move to LA soon, which we believe will open up new opportunities for collaboration and networking within the creative community. Collaboration has been a big part of our strategy, and we see it as a powerful way to expand our reach and connect with new audiences. We're also focused on consistency and improving our storytelling and editing skills to continue producing better content.

We also joke about it, but we want the Gelbspans to become a household name. We want Kait and Martin to be recognizable and something people associate with awesome content. It’s a process, but we’re getting there.

In addition to growing our personal brand, we're also expanding into the realm of creative agency work. This involves running ads, consulting for other creators, and potentially hiring out other talent to work on projects. We see it as a way to not only leverage our own expertise but also to help support and elevate other creators in the industry.

What advice do you have for aspiring content creators?

Consistency is key. Treat content creation like a job and show up every day. It's important to create a schedule and stick to it, even when it gets challenging. And don't forget to stay true to yourself and your why. Authenticity resonates with audiences more than anything else, so don't be afraid to show your personality and share your story.

You also have to remember to focus on quality over quantity. Study successful creators in your niche and learn from them. Pay attention to storytelling techniques, editing styles, and how they engage with their audience. And don't get discouraged by slow growth or low views at the beginning. Building a following takes time, but if you stay consistent and keep improving, you'll see results.

Lastly, embrace the power of live streaming and longer-form content. Authenticity and connection are becoming increasingly important in the content landscape, so don't be afraid to show the behind-the-scenes of your life or business. And above all, have fun with it! Content creation is a creative outlet, so enjoy the process and don't be afraid to experiment and try new things.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to content creation. Find what works best for you and your audience, and don't be afraid to carve out your own path in this ever-evolving industry.

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